Put a search on your site

Put a search on your site

To embed a LocalFoodMap.Net search widget on your website, then place the following HTML on one of your webpages:

<iframe src="http://www.localfoodmap.net/?template=/iframe.html.php" style="width: 590px; height: 600px; border: none" scrolling="no"></iframe>

Or, for more advanced control over loading:

<iframe src="http://www.localfoodmap.net/?template=/iframe.html.php&stylesheet={custom.css}&longitude={longitude}&latitude={latitude}&max={max}&radius={radius}" style="width: 590px; height: 600px; border: none" scrolling="no"></iframe> * see below

Please also add the following link somewhere on the same page:

<a href="http://www.localfoodmap.net"> click here to register your farm</a>

{custom.css} - Set this to the name of your stylesheet for your webpages so that the widget can load your styles.
{longitude} - set this to your default loading longitude
{latitude} - set this to your default loading latitude, values in southern hemisphere are negative.
{max} - maximum no of results it will display on the map, default is 10
{radius} - the maximum radius in kilometres that it will search from the locality point (default is currently 500)