
Where we live in Gippsland, Australia, there are lots of "seedling" apple trees on the roadsides, so called because the trees grew from seeds. We love "scrumping" or scavenging roadside apples. As they are often tart, seedlings make good cooking apples but we also like eating them raw. They make great apple crumbles but my favourite way of eating them is dehydrated.

My Ezidri FD300 dehydrator had been sitting gathering dust and needed some minor servicing by my husband before I could get it working, but since then it's done two batches very smoothly. All I do is core and cut up the apple thinly, dip the slices in lemon juice, then lay them out on the dehydrator so that they're just avoiding touching each other. I do this in the evening then leave the dehydrator on all night, and turn it off in the morning.

The longer you leave the dehydrator on the crunchier the apple chips will be. My second batch turned out crunchier than the first as we slept in a bit longer, but I prefer them that way. Both batches have passed my six-year-old's taste test!

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