About LocalFoodMap.Net

About LocalFoodMap.Net

LocalFoodMap.Net is a search utility to help you find food produce in your local area, helping you bypass the middleman, and helping your community develop food networks that will give you food and resource security for an uncertain future.

LocalFoodMap.Net uses google Map technology freely available from Google, to map farms and highlight their existence on your local map.

Searching is done by entering keyword descriptions of the produce you are seeking, and a simple description of your locality, ie

Find Apples Near Bendigo Victoria Search

On 'Search' the map will find any listings for produce located near your locality and place them on the map below as icons. The results at present may not be very local, but as more local producers put in their details, your results will become more localized!

You can click the icons for more details about the produce.

Some listings allow you to subscribe for updates, this will allow the owner of the listing to send you email updates of when their produce is in season. To subscribe to such a listing, click the icon to bring up the details, if it allows subscriptions, you will see a link titled 'subscribe for email updates'. Click this to provide your name and email address.

The usual Privacy Policy applies for the information you provide here, however LocalFoodMap.Net has no control over the emails that come from the listing owner, or their regularity. The listing owner does not get to see your details (unless you reply back to an email they send).

To register your produce/outlet please see instructions that can be found here: How to register your farm

LocalFoodMap.Net is an initiative of Abetz-Rouse services

Gordon Rouse & Rosemary Abetz-Rouse
455 Whitelaws Trk
Yinnar South 3869 Victoria Australia

ph: +61 3 5169 1621
em: gordon (at) abetz-rouse.com.au